Thursday, February 4, 2016

2016 National Homebrew Competition Open Application - via AHA

National Homebrew Competition registration is open February 1 – February 7

The open Application period for this year’s AHA National Homebrew Competition (NHC) will have an open application period from Monday, February 1 through Sunday, February 7, during which members of the American Homebrewers Association can apply to be in the competition.

The time at which your application is submitted will have no influence on the process, so there is no need to sign up as soon as the application opens, nor any value to waiting until the last minute.

Members Only

Applications are open only to AHA members. Members will need to know their member number and the email address associated with their membership in order to apply. Applicants will want to be sure their contact information, including email, address and phone number, is up to date on their member record prior to registering, as this is the information that will be used for their record in the competition system. Member contact information can be found by logging in to (Members experiencing difficulties logging into the website may contact AHA Member Services at for assistance.)

Application Process

During the open application period, AHA members can access the online NHC application form via The Application Process is to apply to enter the National Homebrew Competition. Applicants will need to provide their member number and email associated with their membership. Applicants will need to indicate how many entries they would like to submit to the competition, up to a maximum of six entries. Specific entry information, such as style, beer name, etc., is not necessary at this point. Applicants can select a primary judge center that they are most interested in entering, as well as any alternate locations that they would be willing to send their entries to should their primary choice not be available. Selecting alternate locations may improve the chances for getting entries in, but applicants should not select any locations to which they would not actually send entries.


Application Selection Process

Once the open application period closes, the AHA will distribute applicants and entries, attempting to grant applicants their first choice of judge center, while balancing the primary aim of including as many applicants with as equitable distribution of entries per applicant as possible. That is, we will try to avoid having some judge centers with lots of applicants but only one or two entries per applicant while other judge centers have fewer applicants but more entries per applicant.

In the selection process, those applicants that participated as 2015 NHC judges, stewards or competition organizers will be given priority over other entrants. (2016 NHC judges, stewards and competition organizers will enjoy a similar privilege for the 2017 competition.)

While the AHA will strive to accommodate as many applicants as possible, the competition is limited to a total number of entries based on a cap of 750 entries per judge center. With 12 judge centers this year, that means a maximum of 9,000 total entries can be accepted in the 2016 competition. With more than 45,000 AHA members, it is possible that not every applicant will be accepted into the competition. Though there is a maximum of six entries per applicant in this year’s competition application process, the actual maximum number of entries per applicant generated by the selection process could be fewer than six entries.

Editing and Paying for Entries

The AHA will notify applicants of their entry status by email between Tuesday, February 9 through Tuesday, February 16. Entry fees for 2016 are $14 per entry, which are payable through the online competition system. Upon notification, registrants will have three days to pay for their entries that were accepted into the competition. Payments will be taken and processed via credit card through the online competition system. Applicants can also update/edit their entries (though they will not be able to add or delete any entries) once notified that their entries have been accepted into the competition.

Failure to pay within three days of notification will result in dismissal from the 2016 competition and could be grounds for disqualification from the 2017 competition.

Submitting Entries

Once payment on accepted entries has been made, applicants can then print bottle labels. Entries should be shipped to arrive at their designated shipping location Monday, February 29 through Wednesday, March 9. Judging will take place in March and April, depending on the judge center.

Good luck!

The post 2016 National Homebrew Competition Open Application appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

from American Homebrewers Association

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